Friday 1.7 | Interactable Objectives & Item Holding
Adding interactivity for the objectives to enable a key pick up and a gate opening in the future.
Interactable Objective
Interaction types:
- Give item
- Gives the player an item when interacted with
- Item as condition
- Player has to be holding a certain item to interact
- None
- Can be interacted with but no item's are in the process (Just events)
First objective in inspector:
Day's Work
- Objectives
- Trigger colliders changed to boxes so you cant interract with them from below the floor
- Interactable items can be given to player or be received from the player
- Objective 1 gives a key when interracted with
- Shows a tip when inside the trigger box "Press R1/RB to interract!"
- Objective 2 needs a key to be interracted with
- If can't be interracted with => show tip saying "You need a key to open the gate"
- UI
- TipManager singleton
- Can show tips with a simple method that takes duration and a text
- Player
- Can hold a single item with left hand